Metamorphosis – July 2011

Metamorphosis June-July 2011

Meeting for Worship Sundays at 10 AM at Explorations Academy, 1701 Ellis Street, Bellingham
Phone 360-734-0244 Mailing Address P.O. Box 30144 Bellingham, 98228-2144 Website
Co-Clerks: Alice Turtle Robb, (312-8234) and Judy Hopkinson (713-816-3009)
Ministry and Counsel Members: Alice Turtle Robb (312-8234) Lorina Hall (734-8170) , Mimi Freshley (933-4566), Janine Hart-Horner (676-6029). Childrens Program Clerk, Jessica Bee (393-4249)
Metamorphosis Editor: Sharon Trent (714-6141)

The newsletter starts on the next page. This page is to explain the rest. I’m trying some changes, so please bear with me, keep an open mind, and come up with ideas.

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business will no longer be included as part of the newsletter. They will be e-mailed separately and they will be an attachment to the newsletter. Minutes may always be found on our website, . (This decision comes from Ministry and Counsel)

I think it’s time for a name change that really describes the newsletter. I ‘m trying out The Un-Quiet Quaker in this issue. I like it because we are quiet in worship but the newsletter contains items to participate in and speak out about–it’s an oxymoron. I also like Silent Buzz, Openings and my personal favorite, the Quaker Quacker. Ideas are welcome and fun and creative.

I’ve put the information that has been the masthead of Metamorphosis on the last page of this month’s newsletter for a couple of reasons. Everyone who gets the newsletter already knows when and where we meet. And I like the open, clear design of the first page so the queries and calls to speak truth to power aren’t lost in a sea of ink. White space is easier on the eye and makes things stand out more.

Thanks for your forbearance and input, Friends.

–Sharon Trent, editor 714-6141

Newsletter of Bellingham Friends Meeting – July-August 2011
Advices and Queries

The gifts of the gathered condition: “Quaker spirituality is anchored in a deep inward knowing of Something wiser and greater than ourselves. This knowing is matured and expanded by our experiences of meeting for worship, for business, and other forms of listening to one another. What does the gathered condition offer us today?
-from the introduction of Interest Group planned for
Annual Session 2011

1. How do we prepare our hearts and minds for worship?
2. Do we meet in expectant waiting for the promptings of the Divine Spirit?
3. Is there a living silence in which we are drawn together by the power of God in our midst? Is this inspiration carried over into our daily living?
From Faith and Practice NPYM p. 40-41

Earthcare Query
Do we look to the Divine for strength as we courageously face the grief and despair associated with confronting environmental problems of this magnitude?

Speak Truth to Power

New legislation was introduced April 14 to require testing of chemicals: the “Safe Chemicals Act of 2011” by U.S. Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Superfund, Toxics, and Environmental Health. To support this bill, go to to sign a letter or get information to write your own.

Date/time Activity Description Contact
August 3 4:30-5 pm Mid-week Worship Call Alice Turtle Robb (312-8234) for location
August 7 Reunion Picnic Meeting for Worship and potluck picnic at Whatcom Falls Park (see below)
August 10 4:30-5 pm Mid-week Worship Call Alice Turtle Robb (312-8234) for location
August 14 Attenders’ Report on the Gathering of Friends General Conference Don Goldstein, Virginia Herrick, Annelise Pysanky and Sharon Trent share their experiences at FGC
August 15 Book Group – Howard Jacobson’s The Finkler Question Contact Susan Richardson for a copy of the book. At the home of Betty McMahon, 734-0244
August 17 Mid-week Worship 4:30-5 Call Alice Turtle Robb (312-8234) for location
August 21 What am I signing on for when I agree to be a committee Clerk?
August 24 Mid-week Worship
4:30-5 Call Alice Turtle Robb (312-8234) for location
August 28 Reconciliation – listen to and discuss the moving plenary talk by Bruce Birchard, newly retired Clerk of Friends General Conference Don Goldstein 671-1395
August 31 7pm Friends Earthcare Committee Meeting at the home of
Doris Ferm 756-0621
September 4 Potluck
September 7 Committee Reports and Agenda Items due for next week’s business meeting
September 11 Meeting for Worship for Business
September 21 International Day of Peace
September 22 Spirit Group Potluck and Discussing What’s Next At the home of Don Goldstein 671-1395
September 23-25 Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting – Topic is Building Vibrant Meetings, keynoted by our own John Helding
July 1-7, 2012 Friends General Conference Gathering in Kingston, Rhode Island—start planning ahead!

You Are Invited to the Annual
Bellingham Friends Meeting
Reunion Worship and Picnic

Sunday, August 7th
Meeting for Worship at 10
Large Picnic Shelter at Whatcom Falls Park

Worship and Visit with Friends Old and New
(if you’ve moved out of the area and can’t come, please send us a note or letter and let us know how the spirit moves for thee – or what you’re doing, health, activities, etc)
Please bring a dish to share and a place setting
(bring a folding chair too, if you have one)
The Harry Potter Prayer
Almighty God, we praise you for creating all things in your image: muggles and wizards, beasts and humans, the magical and the mundane.
Grant us, O Lord, to trust in you with all our hearts. Remind us that our hope does not lie in philosopher’s stones or deathly hallows, but only in your hallowed name.
Merciful God, teach us to walk humbly. We confess that we often raise our wands at the evil we see in the world, ignoring the darkness lurking in ourselves.
Forgive us for creating social systems that marginalize and oppress. Stir our hearts to build relationships with house elves, muggles, squibs, and all who are made vulnerable by injustice. Give us courage to advocate on their behalf, confronting those who would exclude them from our communities.
As we thirst for justice, let us not resort to the unforgivable curses of violence and oppression. Remind us of a power beyond our own, a power beyond the reach of any magic.
God of Truth, you’ve taught us that the world cannot be divided into good people and Death Eaters. For whether we are sorted into Slytherin or Gryffindor, we are all in need of grace; our foreheads bear the searing scars of our own brokenness.
Yet, according to your mercy, no one is ever beyond redemption; help will always be given to those who ask. As you have shown mercy to us, teach us to show mercy to our enemies and the friends who’ve betrayed us.
Thank you for establishing your kingdom here in the wizarding world—an upside down kingdom where infants disarm dark lords, the foolish speak truth, and those who gain power are those who don’t seek it. Thy kingdom come. –author unknown

Meeting for Worship Sundays at 10 AM at Explorations Academy, 1701 Ellis Street, Bellingham
Phone 360-734-0244 Mailing Address P.O. Box 30144 Bellingham, 98228-2144 Website
Co-Clerks: Alice Turtle Robb, (312-8234) and Judy Hopkinson (713-816-3009), Ministry and Counsel Members: Alice Turtle Robb (312-8234) Lorina Hall (734-8170) , Mimi Freshley (933-4566), Janine Hart-Horner (676-6029). Childrens Program Clerk, Jessica Bee (393-4249)

Simplicity * Peace * Integrity * Community * Sustainability * Equality