Metamorphosis 2010 September


September 2010

Meeting for Worship Sundays at 10 AM at Explorations Academy, 1701 Ellis Street, Bellingham
Phone 360-734-0244 Mailing Address P.O. Box 30144 Bellingham, 98228-2144 Website
Co-Clerks: Mimi Freshley, (933-4566) and Susan Richardson (733-5477), Ministry and Counsel Members: Mimi Freshley, Alice Robb (366-6005), Dorrie Jordan and Howard Harris (733-9071)
Childrens Program Clerk, Jessica Bee (393-4249)
Metamorphosis Editor: Sharon Trent (714-6141)

Query for September
How are strangers made to feel welcome in our midst? How do we encourage attenders to share in Meeting activities and responsibilities and to consider membership when they are ready?”
North Pacific Yearly Meeting Faith & Practice, page 43

September 19 – Holly Folk will present on FGC experience. Care of Meeting Sharon Trent, Greeter Howard Harris
Monday, September 20 – Book Group at the home of Tom and Lorina Hall (734-8170) The People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks
Tuesday, September 21st – Day of Peace begins with march from Maritime Heritage Park at 5:45 and program at Assumption Catholic Church from 6:30-8. Includes talk by Robert Hughes, presentation of Howard Harris Lifetime Peacemaker Award, and Kulshan Chorus. Free, but donations are being requested.
Thursday, September 23 – Meeting House Discussion at the home of Alan Stockbridge, 1446 Franklin, Apt B, Bellingham, 4:30-6:00 435 658 3666
Thursday September 23 – Ad Hoc Outreach Discussion 2-3:30, also at the home of Alan Stockbridge
September 26 – no second hour (quarterly meeting) Care of Meeting Judy and Dave Hopkinson
October 3 – Potluck. Care of Meeting Tom Hall
October 10 – Meeting for Worship for Business
Monday, October 11 – Soup Supper, a short film, and discussion on social structures and the environment and the impact national corporations have had on them. At the home of Betty McMahon. Please RSVP so she knows how much soup to make. (734-0244,
October 17 – Spices Simplicity presented by John Helding. Care of Meeting Joanne Cowan
Monday, October 18 – Spirit Group To Be Broken and Tender by Margery Post Abbott, sections 1-3, at the home of Don Goldstein671-1395. (Call first—location may change.)
Tuesday, October 19 – Book Group On the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
Note about groups: no membership or hazing – just show up!
October 24 – FWCC: Global Change Queries – FEC. Greeter Joanne Cowan.
October 31 – Intergenerational (check with Jessica)
November 7 – Potluck
November 14 – M4B
November 21 – Spices
November 28 – Don and Annelise: Weaving Community and Welcoming the Soul
December 5 – Potluck
December 12 – M4B
December 19 – Children’s Program

Eco-Suggestion of the Month
The Eco-Suggestion of the Month is to transition away from using plastic for food. Store foods in glass jars rather than plastic containers.
Try cloth bags for produce.

Speaking Truth to Power
Decisions by federal courts affect millions of Americans. And many of them have a rightward bias because they’re made by Bush and Reagan appointees serving lifetime terms. Rulings would be more balanced if the hundreds of vacancies on the federal bench were filled with more moderate judges, and President Obama is trying to accomplish this now. But Senate Republicans are obstructing his nominees to preserve the rightward judicial tilt. Virtually every Obama nominee is threatened with filibuster or put on hold. It’s time for Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid to see that qualified judicial nominees are confirmed now. Urge Sen. Reid at 1-866-SEN-REID or to ensure that more federal judges are confirmed and that justice will be served for Americans.
From CREDO Citizen Actions

Interfaith Coalition
Thursday, September 23rd – A Special Benefit Performance by the Bellingham Theater Guild – Forever Plaid – a tune-filled trip back to a swinging time” Reception at 7, performance at 8, 1600 H Street. Tickets are $25 –phone 734-3983 or email

Coat Drive: Please bring clean, good quality winter coats, hats, gloves and mittens to the worship services this month. Children’s coats are especially needed. Sunday, October 24 is the last Sunday to bring in items. Many people appreciate this program because they don’t have to spend their limited income on a coat or go without one through the winter.

Thanks for sharing the warmth!

On Sept. 12th Oxford Meeting, England, held a public presentation of my play “Margaret of Swarthmoor”, read as a literary radio play. The structure is sound and feedback afterwards pointed out some areas that require a little more foreshadowing, but overall the response was positive. The finest comment I received, from the professional actor who read the part of George Fox, was: “You have written a successful drama about a good person, and very few playwrights are able to do that.” The understanding is that it usually takes a flawed character to make good theatre. A review will be published in the Sept. 17th issue of the U.K. magazine The Friend. I plan now to prepare it for a non-Quaker audience. Kirsten Ebsen, Vancouver Monthly Meeting, BC

Getting to Know You…

When you sit in Meeting for Worship, you are very likely sitting next to someone with a special talent or passion. Try going through the following list and putting one or more names in the blanks using what you know. Then find some that you don’t know. There are at least 50 correct answers. If you come up with more than 50, send them to Sharon Trent ( and she will put an extra $10 in the collection box. Ask questions…one category is a hoax!

Plays Violin
Is in a Marimba Band
Plays Guitar
Plays Cello
Plays Viola
Sings in a choir
Plays in a band
Practices martial arts
Studies Yoga
Studies the Astral Plane
Makes Pysanky eggs
Trains service dogs
Writes novels
Writes poetry
Master Composter
Sculpts in Stone
Loves Asian Art
Opera Buff
Film buff and collector
Collector of Korean dolls
Makes jewelry
Metal sculptor
Loves Owls
Flower Arranger
Art teacher
Pre-pre-pre med major
Collects books on mental health
Baker Extraordinaire
Nearly wept when Bon Appétit stopped publishing

Dear Friend,

I’m writing to announce our special issue topics for 2011. Most FRIENDS JOURNAL issues offer feature articles on a variety of subjects, but periodically we publish thematic issues. For 2011, we invite submissions for the following two special issues:
Pendle Hill after 80 Years (June/July 2011)
Pendle Hill, a Quaker study, retreat, and conference center in Wallingford, Pa., was founded in 1930. What has its influence been on the Religious Society of Friends and beyond? How has it evolved? We invite articles on any aspect of the Pendle Hill experience.

We request complete submissions by February 1, 2011.

The Ministry of Quaker Women Today (October 2011)

Quaker women have been in the forefront of the major social movements throughout modern history. In this special issue, we will focus on the messages and ministries of Quaker women in all fields, both within Quakerism and in the larger world. What unique spiritual practices and experiences with Quaker process have supported these witnesses? How is the heritage of Quaker women informing and inspiring their work today? Contributions are invited from people of all genders.

We request complete submissions by May 15, 2011.
If you are interested in contributing material on these topics, please get in touch with us. We invite advance inquiries and suggestions from prospective authors and artists. Contact Robert Dockhorn, senior editor, at We encourage you to read the general submission guidelines for FRIENDS JOURNAL
Draft Minutes for Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business – September 12, 2010

Clerk: Mimi Freshley
Recording Clerk: Betty McMahon
Present: Howard Harris, Don Goldstein, Tom Hall, Virginia Herrick, Doris Ferm, Sharon Trent, Alice Robb, Dave Hopkinson, John Hatten, Judy Hopkinson, Susan Richardson, Kristin McLewin, Allen Stockbridge, Rob Dillard, Jeanine Hart-Horner & Dorrie Jordan

Our Meeting for Business began with opening silence at 11:40 a.m.

Our History – Howard Harris
Howard shared some information about Elton Trueblood, whom Howard sees as a person of influence outside of The Religious Society of Friends. Elton Trueblood was born in 1900 in Southern Iowa, educated at well-known universities, and taught religion and philosophy at Harvard. He wrote 32 books, which were widely read in the 1940’s and 1950’s. He compared modern man to a “cut flower civilization,” and described our culture to that of a wet flower. When one dies, one has no roots remaining in civilization; one has lost their basic religious foundation and morality.

Our Future – In response to Elton Trueblood’s search for morality, a Friend quoted LeCretia Mott, “Do not take authority for truth.” This Friend takes truth for his authority.

Being in the present is part of the future; one can only do things one minute at a time, the best one can.

Agenda Review – The agenda was approved as adjusted.

Approval of Minutes – In the last page of the Minutes, in the section about the budget, fair trade needs to replace the word free trade. The Minutes were approved as corrected.
Committee Reports
Meetinghouse (Dorrie Jordan)
School is now in session at Explorations. There are several more students than previously so some file cabinets have been placed in the Commons to be used temporarily as lockers. Once lockers are acquired, these will probably be removed.

Daniel also informed me that they have new subleasing tenants for 2:30pm on Sunday afternoons. This means that particularly on Meeting for Business Sundays, people will be arriving as we are leaving. It also means we will need to end our Meeting for Business by 2:00 so we can straighten up and be out by 2:30.

Please let Allen Stockbridge know if you are interested in working with him regarding searching for a meetinghouse.

A suggestion was made not to bring drinks into the worship room or allow kids to bring food into this room. We are very appreciative of the lovely, new carpet and want to keep it looking this way. Each individual can make his or her choice regarding this suggestion. Our potluck Sundays now take place in the Commons.

A “thank you” was mentioned to Dorrie, Margi and the anonymous donor for the new library bookcase and tidiness of the books.

Ministry & Counsel (Alice Robb)

Query: “How are strangers made to feel welcome in our midst? How do we encourage attenders to share in Meeting activities and responsibilities and to consider membership when they are ready?” (F&P p. 43 under participation in the life of the meeting)

Today, during refreshments, we will be celebrating Allen Stockbridge’s joining our Bellingham Friends Meeting.

Don and Annelise shared with M&C about the inspiring FGC workshop they attended: Weaving Community and Welcoming the Soul, based on Parker Palmer’s A Hidden Wholeness (scheduled for November 28). Annelise will also speak briefly about this on September 19, during the 2nd hour on FGC, presented primarily by Holly Folk.

SPICES Program – John Helding will present on Simplicity and Judy Meyer on Sustainability. We will need presenters for Peace, Integrity, Community and Equality. We believe that Don, Virginia, and Howard have expressed some interest thus far. John expects that we will have named presenters for the remaining presentations, to meet with him after the initial presentation.

Upcoming schedule:
September 19 – Holly Folk will present on FGC experience.
September 26 – no second hour (quarterly meeting)
October 3 – Potluck
October 10 – M4B
October 17 – Spices Simplicity presented by John Helding
October 24 – FWCC: Global Change Queries – FEC
October 31 – Intergenerational (check with Jessica)
November 7 – Potluck
November 14 – M4B
November 21 – Spices
November 28 – Don and Annelise: Weaving Community and Welcoming the Soul
December 5 – Potluck
December 12 – M4B
December 19 – Children’s Program
December 26 – no second hour

Carpooling / Rides to meeting: We suggest Friends consider carpooling to Meeting, for the good of Earth, and also for community. One outcome of carpooling, we hope, would be to assure rides for Margie after the Sunday WTA services cease at the end of September. Also it is not far from people living in central Bellingham area.
Please tell Alice if you would like to offer rides (especially from Southside) if you would like to ride with others if you could possibly be a coordinator of the rides schedule
10. Next meeting for October will be September 27 at Howard’s at 7:15pm.

Children’s Program – (Dave Hopkinson)
1. The committee suggests an expanded job description for Brook as an On-Site Coordinator. Her tasks include: Scheduling assistants Tess and/or Kendra; purchasing appropriate snacks (for reimbursement); ensuring all kids have signed in; having a plan for a lesson/activity for unexpected teacher absences; making sure the area is clean after kids have gone; ensuring supply cupboard has needed items; and keeping Lorina and/or co-clerks informed of situations/problems.
2. The committee suggests that we pay Brook $ 12.00 per hour in recognition of taking on these additional responsibilities. Meeting approves. The committee will let Don know specifically when this goes into effect.
3. The committee will ask parents to commit by Thursday if they plan to stay for second hour. This will go into “Metamorphosis.” It might be helpful to have a group email automatically go out to all parents of children on Thursday, reminding them to contact Lorina if they want to stay for Second Hour. If no child-care givers are available for a coming Sunday Second Hour, Lorina will notify parents so that they can make their own arrangements. According to our current caregiver hiring policy, we try to avoid, if at all possible, the hiring of anyone who has not gone through the hiring process. (It seems that parents have assumed that Second Hour child-care would be provided on an “as-needed” basis, but too often this has resulted in a situation where caregivers show up only to find no children for whom to care.
4. There is a need to appoint somebody to take on the larger set of Coordinator responsibilities on a weekend when Jessica is not at meeting. The meeting and parents need to know who is “in charge” or accountable when neither co-clerk or committee members are at meeting.
5. Discussion of adapting the meeting to accommodate the SPICES Program: ½ hour worship followed by ½ hour of SPICES Program. This would happen once per month, probably beginning October 3. We ask that part of the invitation include asking parents to bring food for kids, and there will be a child greeter so that children may come in to participate for the first five minutes of silent worship. They will then join at the end of worship for sharing of names. Jessica will also bring a video for the second half of the program.
6. The curriculum from Jessica is as follows: The children will use the same SPICES focus with an historic Quaker each month. Focus will be on a weighty Quaker each month and doing projects relating to what is learned.
7. Our next meeting is the fourth Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at Dave’s home.

Notes from Second Hour on Children’s Program Committee (8-22-10)

1. Adrienne described the curriculum for the year.
2. The box contains files of curriculum and lesson plans for one year.
3. Some digital files are missing. Holly offered to scan and convert to digital.
4. Suggestions: Handouts for parents and share/compare curriculum with University Friends.
5. Each child file includes information about allergies and special diet needs.
6. Special Projects include Heifer International and Conscientious Objectors.
7. The children’s Quaker library fine contains books for kids.
8. Week to week as Coordinator: Teacher/volunteer recruitment; scheduling paid childcare givers’ setting up the routine’ working with meltdowns; working with families around spiritual needs for the children and family
9. Immediate needs next week: Line up teachers who can provide some continuity; line up helpers for the volunteers
10. Adrienne shared her vision, her joys, and her frustrations with being coordinator.
11. The next committee meeting is September 26, 2010 at Dave’s home. Don’t forget to invite new member Kristen McLewin (360-961-2151)
Nominating Committee – (Virginia Herrick)
Nominating committee did not meet this past month. However, there are a couple of quick items of business to attend to:

1. Action (5 minutes): The nominations of Dave Hopkinson as co-clerk of Children’s Program Committee and Kristin McLewin as a member of Children’s Program Committee have seasoned, and we would like to ask the Meeting to approve those nominations.

2. Information (2 minute): Hospitality Committee is operating one person short, so if anyone is interested in being on that committee, please contact me, Lorina Hall, or Sharon Trent. Meanwhile, all Friends please be sure to sign up to assist with cleanup and other Hospitality tasks.

3. Information (3 minutes): Nominating Committee has now received almost all of the reviewed/revised job descriptions of committee and other positions serving the Meeting. Those, which I have not yet received, should soon get (if you haven’t gotten already) a reminder email, asking you to review your position or your committee’s position as soon as is convenient and return the update to me if it has only minor wording changes. Any substantive changes in a job description should come to M4W4B for approval, and I would ask that the person or committee proposing the change be present at the M4W4B at which it is proposed. Thank you, Friends!

4. Several job descriptions are posted on our Website with edited changes, but the content has not been adjusted.

Friends Earthcare – (Doris Ferm)
1. The Eco-Suggestion of the Month is to transition away from using plastic for food. Store foods in glass jars rather than plastic containers. Try cloth bags for produce.
2. The Committee would like the Meeting to participate in the 10-10-10 Project to show our politicians that WE are doing something about climate change, while they do nothing.
The local plan is to plant fruit and nut trees or other edible perennials on school ground. Since Committee members do not feel up to digging, we wondered whether there are any Friends who could donate such trees or other plants. Please contact any member of FEC if you can help.
3. Earthcare and Peace & Social concerns will host a soup supper Oct.11 at Betty McMahon’s to view and discuss a video. Topic forthcoming.
4. Our next meeting will be Oct. 5 at Doris’, 7:00 pm.

Peace and Social Concerns – (Jeannine Hart-Horner)
Soup Suppers about the environment and economics will occur beginning October 11, 2010. This will be a joint effort with Friends Earthcare Committee. Please let Betty know (734-0244) if you will be attending. The topic will be on corporations and how they affect the environment, and individuals who get rich at the expense of the poor.
The concern of the month is the flooding in Pakistan.

Treasurer’s Report and Discussion
INCOME: As of the end of August, roughly 66% of the way through 2010, 58.6% of donations pledged for the year have been received. If other income is included (unpledged donations, interest, and lunch donations), we have received 69.5% of income budgeted for the year. Since budgeted expenses, however, were almost 144% of budgeted income, we are still on track to experience an actual budget deficit for 2010.
EXPENSES: Overall expenses through August were 61.0% of the amount budgeted for the year. The budget included a $200 per month honorarium for the Children’s Program Coordinator, of which it appears the last $800 will not be spent. Some areas in which spending is under the amount budgeted include paid childcare, newsletter postage, and hospitality supplied. Areas in which spending has or likely will exceed the amount budgeted include newsletter duplication, Ministry & Counsel Committee operations, and special events.
Significant obligatory expenses still remaining to be paid in 2010 include the remainder of our rent, our annual insurance premium, and the second half of our Yearly Meeting assessment. The only really significant discretionary budgeted expense remaining for 2010 is the rest of our donations out, which total $1,170. The second half of our annual support for the Whatcom Peace and Justice Center is a little more than half of that total.

THE DEFICIT AND THE FUTURE: Our actual deficit so far this year is about $2,143. We began the year with about $4,217 in operating funds. If the deficit so far represents about two-thirds of what our annual deficit will be, we can expect to end the year with only around $1,000 in operating funds. Therefore increases in both pledged and unpledged donations for 2011, and/or significant decreases in our operating budget, will be required to keep our operations sustainable during 2011.

A discussion followed regarding the deficit in contributions this year. There exists a policy regarding how donations out are made if donations in are not sufficient specifying that if our general funds decline to below 15% of the annual budget (as they now are), discretionary expenditures–primarily, donations out–will be deferred until our balance once again exceeds that benchmark. The policy does not specify what specifically should be done if, for example, at the end of the year remaining budgeted donations out are $1000 but we only have $600 more than the 15% benchmark amount available. Do we prioritize some donations over others (one Friends suggested giving priority to Quaker over non-Quaker organizations)? Do we reduce all remaining donations out proportionally? The Treasurer suggested that this more detailed discussion be deferred until Meeting for Business in November, by which time our finances may be in better shape and the Finance Committee may have a specific recommendation to present.

Finance Committee (Don Goldstein, in the absence of Committee Clerk Joanne Cowan).
The Finance Committee has begun the process of completing oversight of spending for 2010 and preparing a budget for 2011. Committee clerks and others with budget-request responsibility have already been asked to submit their 2011 requests to the Treasurer before the end of October, so that the Finance Committee can present a draft budget to Meeting for Business in November. Members and attenders who made pledges for 2010 will receive statements in early October indicating how much of their pledged donations have been received so far. Pledges for 2011 will be solicited by announcement and email in October also, so that the draft budget can reflect at least a substantial proportion of our expected income for 2011 as well as proposed expenses.

The change in signers on our bank accounts that was initiated several months ago, deleting two previous signers and adding Finance Committee Clerk Joanne Cowan and Trustee Sharon Trent, has finally been completed.

Quarterly Meeting (Don Goldstein)
There is a proposal to change the name of our Quarterly Meeting from Pacific Northwest to Cascade Regional. Since this is a discussion item, please send your thoughts to Don Goldstein, Susan Richardson or Lorina Hall. This item will most likely be decided upon by next spring of 2011.
A Concern for Integrity in Naming our Organization

For me, an important part of our testimony on Integrity has to do with naming/calling/labeling things in an honest and correct way. I believe that integrity (and, often, simplicity) in naming things is more important than maintain¬ing Quaker traditions or jargon, and that in fact our jargon sometimes gets in the way of sharing the fullness of our experience and message for the world. My specific concern today may seem like a fairly trivial one, and in fact there is no great urgency in addressing it, but nonetheless I believe it should be addressed beginning with a very brief discussion today both in this meeting (M & O) and during Meeting for Business, and then by referral to meet¬ings and worship groups for appropriate seasoning if at least some other Friends at Quarterly Meeting this time find themselves resonating with my concern.

To be specific, I propose that we rename our organization as “Pacific Northwest Half Yearly Meeting” [but see Update below]. The fact is that we gather for sessions of fellowship and education two times each year rather than four times, and we have done so for a long time. Our winter Silent Retreat weekend is a much smaller and more specially purposed gathering, and I regard it as being in addition to our two annual “regular” sessions which include a full Meeting for Business. The nomenclature of “Quarterly Meeting” goes back a long time into the past, and there are in fact still one-day or half-day quarterly meeting sessions held within some yearly meetings in the eastern U.S. In the West, however, there is no “Quarterly Meeting”, so-called, that actually gathers (to my knowledge) four times annually, although there may be some that gather three times. Willamette QM holds a smaller one-day gath¬ering, primarily for business, during the winter in addition to its two full-weekend residential sessions in spring and fall. Montana Gathering of Friends meets twice annually, but since it doesn’t use the words “Quarterly Meeting” in its formal title, this is not a major issue for them.

It’s not clear to me whether a title change such as I’m proposing would require the formal assent of North Pacific Yearly Meeting, but we would certainly want to include NPYM’s Ministry & Oversight Committee in our discern¬ment at least to the extent of informing them. On the other hand, since Quarterly Meeting is primarily a creature of the monthly meetings within it, this is a concern that needs to be seasoned by our monthly meetings and should, I believe, also be seasoned by our preparative meetings, worship groups, and isolated Friends.

I have a lot of contact with Friends outside of NPYM, and the experience that I have had personally which brings me to this leading is that of having to explain, on quite a few occasions, that the Quarterly Meeting in which I’m pretty deeply involved actually has just two sessions each year and that the term “Quarterly Meeting” is a holdover from the fairly deep past of Quaker terminology. Other sources of this leading are the widespread, comfortable, and appropriate use of “Half Yearly Meeting” within Canadian Yearly Meeting, and the fact that Britain Yearly Meeting recently dropped the use of “Preparative Meeting” and “Monthly Meeting” in favor of the more descriptive and appropriate terms “Local Meeting” and “Area Meeting.” I believe we Friends in the U.S., and particularly so in the West, have some catching up to do and this is one fairly easy place to begin.

–Don Goldstein, Bellingham Friends Meeting and List keeper, Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting

Update based on seasoning during Spring 2010 session of PNQM:

There was concern expressed during the Ministry & Oversight Committee meeting on 4/24/10 about a possible ambiguity in the meaning of “half yearly meeting”, which could refer to a Meeting that gathers twice a year or might refer to a Meeting that includes an area that is geographically about half the territory of a yearly meeting. Since it is not really essential that the formal title of a Meeting explicitly state the frequency with which it gathers, I would now favor the term “Regional Meeting” for us as opposed to “Half Yearly Meeting”. In Intermountain Yearly Meeting there is Colorado Regional Meeting, which is the equivalent of one of our “quarterly meetings” and gathers twice annually, to cite one relatively nearby precedent.

During Meeting for Business on 4/24/10 a Friend suggested that if we are going to change part of our organization’s name, it would make sense to also change the “Pacific Northwest” portion at the same time. The reason is that there is frequent and ongoing confusion, particularly among the new Friends we are eager to welcome, between the names “Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting” and “North Pacific Yearly Meeting”. This suggestion made perfect sense to me, as I have on a number of occasions witnessed exactly this confusion. During the Continuing Commit¬tee meeting later the same day, this Friend suggested as our new name “Cascade Regional Meeting”, since we are a regional gathering including Friends from both sides of the Cascade Mountains. I am fully in sympathy with this suggestion, and commend it for your consideration and further seasoning. In the meanwhile, several officers of PNQM are investigating what would be the practical steps, costs, and consequences of changing our organization’s name and will have further information on this in the near future. –Don Goldstein

Outreach (Allan Stockbridge)
Last August 15, 20`0, there was a second hour regarding outreach, and it was agreed upon that an ad hoc committee be created. Allan is the convener of this committee, and it was agreed upon that the communications committee be involved. The first meeting of this ad hoc committee will most likely occur during the week of September 20-26, 2010.

Clerk’s Concerns (Mimi Freshley)
Some Friends have allergies to scents. If you notice a Friend getting up to “disappear, ” please don’t be alarmed!

Reports were sent out ahead of time on one email. This is most appreciated. Please note “action” items on these reports.

Member Concerns
Please visit our website!

Thank you is expressed to those who track all of the petitions and letters.

Our business meeting concluded at 2:00 p.m.
Submitted by Recording Clerk, Betty McMahon