Metamorphosis 2010 June


June 2010

Meeting for Worship Sundays at 10 AM at Explorations Academy, 1701 Ellis Street, Bellingham

Phone 360-734-0244    Mailing Address  P.O. Box 30144 Bellingham, 98228-2144 Website

Co-Clerks: Mimi Freshley, (922-0004) and Dorrie Jordan (354-3736) , Ministry and Counsel Members:  Doris Ferm (756-0621), Mimi Freshley, Alice Robb (366-6005), Dorrie Jordan and Howard Harris (733-9071),

Childrens Program Clerk, Jessica Bee (393-4249)

Metamorphosis Editor:  Sharon Trent (714-6141)

Query for June

How does my community support me in becoming the person God hopes I will become?  How well do I support others?

Plain Living, p. 147


June 27 – Follow up on Retreat

July 04 – Potluck

July 11 – Meeting for Worship for Business

July 13-19 – NPYM Annual Session in Missoula, Montana.  See for registration

Tuesday, July 20 – Book Discussion at 7:00 pm at the home of Judy Hopkinson (713-816-3009) to discuss

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Thursday, July 22, 6 p.m. Soup Supper at the home of Don Goldstein—see details below

July 25 – There is a worship and potluck at Quaker Cove with the FWCC Youth Pilgrimage.

Friends should check in with Alice if they are interested in attending.

August 1 – Meeting for Worship and a potluck picnic at Annelise Pysanky’s home (223-8438)


Tuesday, August 10 – Spirit Group will discuss Spirit Rising at the home of Sharon Trent (714-6141)

Eco suggestion of the month

The “Dirty Dozen” of fruits and vegetables that should always be bought in organic form, because they otherwise contain more than 47 pesticides per serving:  apples, strawberries, peaches, cherries, nectarines, domestic blueberries, imported grapes, celery, potatoes, sweet bell peppers, spinach and lettuce.  The “Clean 15” contain little or no pesticides: onions, sweet corn, avocados, cabbage, eggplant, sweet peas, asparagus, sweet onions, sweet potatoes, mangos, pineapples, Kiwi fruit, watermelon, cantaloupe and grapefruit.

WORK WITH YOUTH AT ANNUAL SESSION: Jon Strohbehn and Katie Uhte-Strohbehn, the Children’s Program Co-Coordinators for NPYM, are looking for volunteers interested in being teachers at Annual Session this year. Currently, there is a need for teachers for all age-groups (ranging from infants all the way to Central Friends). Individuals who decide to work as full-time teachers in the Children’s Program, will have all their Yearly Meeting expenses (food and lodging) paid for, and people who decide to work as part-time teachers, will get half their expenses covered. Teaching in the Children’s Program is a fun and wonderful way to experience Yearly Meeting, and we encourage everyone to consider this opportunity! Please let Jon and or Katie know if you are interested (or know of anyone who might be interested) in teaching. Jon’s contacts are and 360-695-4878 and Katie’s contacts are 360-220-6821 and Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you in the Montana sunshine and we thank you for your support!

Excerpts from a letter to BFM from Friends Journal    June 2020

Friends Journal has won several honors with comments like “This publication does not shrink from challenging and difficult issues”.    Friends everywhere should take heart that our content has received recognition from the oldest interdenominational press association in North America.

Perhaps the most telling award, and one in which we can take great satisfaction, was our award of Excellence -1st Place- for the Forum, our letters-to-the-editor.  The judge, Dallas Morning News religion reporter wrote: “Obviously this is a forum where readers and writers expect a lively exchange of views on important subjects.  So many publications have dumbed down and/or digested text.  Friends Journal is holding the line.”

Economic challenges persists, and “It costs more to produce than we receive through subscriptions and ads, about $112 per subscription”. So if you are able to give generously, the Quaker community will be stronger for it. Through this unique and powerful ministry, and thousands of readers will have an opportunity to continue engaging on important and difficult issues.

Thank you for your generous support.

From Susan Corson-Finnerty, Publisher and Executive Editor

Ps  “all gifts received by June 30 will count towards our current fiscal year”.

Travel Tales Soup Supper on July 22nd

Bellingham Friends and their families are invited to a Soup Supper at Don Goldstein’s home on Thursday, July 22nd, starting at 6 pm.  The purpose of the gathering is to hear recent travel tales from our Friends Mimi Freshley, Bob Butterfield, and Annelise Pysanky.

In late May, Mimi and Bob spent two weeks traveling in China.  At about the same time Annelise traveled by train across most of Canada and then visited a friend in upstate New York, Pendle Hill near Philadelphia, and Washington D.C.  This is an opportunity for them to share with us, verbally and with photos, about their adventures.  There will likely also be time for other Friends to share about their own recent travels or upcoming travel plans.

Soups (with a vegan option) and bread with various spreads will be provided for all who come.  If you would like to bring a veggie, salad, or dessert to share, please do so but it’s not required.  Children old enough that they don’t need supervision are welcome to come, and are encouraged to bring a book to read in case the after-dinner grownup discussion is not of interest.

Note that this event was tentatively announced (during Meeting for Business on June 13th) for June 28th, but needed to be rescheduled into July because of a scheduling conflict.

Please RSVP by July 20th with the number attending from your household, so we can make sure of having enough soup bowls, chairs, and so on, for everyone.  If possible, do so by email to Don at, with the subject of your message being “RSVP”.  Thanks.

Summary and Report on the June 6, 2010 retreat: Envisioning the Future of our Meeting

About 30 adults attended.  Many thoughtful ideas were expressed, which we will continue to explore future in the next months, including during the upcoming second hour scheduled for June 27.  The retreat included two worship sharing sessions, worship, potluck, and a worship discussion session. The energy level built throughout the day, and participants greatly appreciated the opportunity to address these issues in more depth. The first session, Listening to our Visions, raised the following Queries: “How do you envision the future of our Meeting?  How might we cultivate our community and reach out to newcomers?  How might we best support children and families?  What is your experience in or visiting a Meeting with its own Meetinghouse?  Is there anything else in your heart or on your mind about our future?”  The afternoon worship sharing session raised the query: “Setting aside the issue of funding, where would we want to gather for Worship?  What might our ideal home look like?  If we were to move to a long-term space, what might the time frame be?”  The final afternoon session (worship discussion) revolved around next steps.  “How do we balance our time, energy and financial resources between the space we use and other needs of the Meeting, such as outreach, peace and social concerns, and children’s program?”  Among the themes that emerged were an interest in outreach and the possibility of setting up an ad hoc committee and a desire to deepen the spiritual sense of community.  There was interest in learning more about Quaker Quest and other outreach programs. Some felt that a meetinghouse might increase our visibility in the community.  Many felt that we are not yet ready for all the responsibility of a meetinghouse of our own.  The children also addressed visioning, and reported to us that they would like more adults to play with the children, more games and crafts, and an outdoor play area.  We encourage people to attend the second hour June 27, whether you were able to come to the retreat or not,, which will follow-up on the wonderful energy and themes that emerged. More detailed notes may be available at a later time.

Interfaith Coalition seeks handy volunteers

Interfaith Coalition relies on volunteers to maintain our nine Interfaith Family Housing units, which provide shelter and case management support to local homeless families.  There are many opportunities for volunteers to keep our houses in tiptop shape.  Some spring and summer projects needing volunteers include indoor and outdoor painting, cleaning gutters, minor electrical and plumbing repairs, carpentry projects, and yard work. We are developing a list of volunteers that we can call on for occasional help. Interested? Please call us at 734-3983.

Draft Minutes for Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business – June 13, 2010

Clerk:  Mimi Freshley

Recording Clerk:  Betty McMahon

Present:  Howard Harris, Joanne Cowan, Tom Hall, Jessica Bee, Judy Hopkinson; Jane Campbell, Virginia Herrick, Doris Ferm, Alice Robb, Maddie Solenberger, Dorrie Jordan, Allen Stockbridge, Larry, Dave Hopkinson, Lorina Hall, Susan Richardson, Don Goldstein

Our Meeting for Business began with opening silence.

Our History – Howard Harris shared some interesting historical trivia about William Penn.  His statue in Philadelphia is 37 inches tall.  Penn was born in 1644, just four years before the end of the Thirty Years War.  The size of Germany’s population had decreased by 50%, and it was a time of turmoil in Europe, especially in England.  It was during the time of Calvinism (reformers).  Penn attended private school up until he was 12 years old, and by this time had already mastered Latin and Greek.  He next was tutored, and then attended Oxford.  He was very interested in religious issues, due to his experience at Oxford, and went to France to participate in Theology.  In 1665, Penn was sent to Ireland as a result of the plague epidemic in England, and here he became an advocate of Quakerism.  When he returned to England, he preached the beliefs of the Religious Society of Friends; however this was not acceptable in an Anglican land at this time.  Penn was arrested, and the jury was instructed to find him guilty.  The jury returned a guilty verdict of “talking in public,” which was not a crime.  Consequently, the jury was imprisoned.  This instigated a major turning point (jurisprudence).  In 1670, the jury was given the right to decide upon a verdict rather than the judge.  Since Penn’s father, Admiral Sir William Penn, was owed a large sum of money for his accomplishments, William Penn (junior) was given land, which became the colony of Pennsylvania and a place of open thinkers.

Our Future – Our wishes for our future were discussed last week at the retreat.  Thank you was expressed to the Ad Hoc Retreat Committee, Hospitality, Don Goldstein, Children’s Program, Daniel Kirkpatrick for the new carpet and renovated kitchen, and the Friends who volunteered to supervise the Quaker table at the Saturday Farmers Market.

Agenda – A member concern about Friends Journal was added to the agenda.

Approval to MinutesThe minutes were approved after the following corrections were made: In the Nominating Committee report it was noted that Jessica Bee’s nomination as clerk of Children’s Committee was accepted for seasoning.  On page four of the FWCC report, the correct spelling is Schoder-Ehri. Page seven, section D-4 of the FCWPP should read:  5% over $200,000 (single income), 5% over $400,000 (couple income), 9% over $500,000 (single income), and 9% over $1,000,000 (couples income).  In the Meetinghouse report, a floor plan was suggested.

Committee Reports

Ministry & Counsel (Alice Robb) – Query for June: from Plain Living page 147:  How does my community support me in becoming the person God hopes I will become? How well do I support others?
This committee feels that the retreat was very valuable in hearing Friends’ visions for the future of our meeting and that there was strong energy for developing more outreach and visibility in the larger community. We look forward to sharing more about the ideas from the retreat and finding our way forward. There is a 2nd hour scheduled for follow up on the ideas from the retreat on June 26.

2nd Hour schedule:  June 20 – Celebration of John Helding’s membership, sample of SPICES program; June 27 – Follow up on Retreat; July 04 – Potluck; July 11 – Meeting for Worship for Business

Note: For the summer, we think there might be less interest in 2nd hours, and there might not be something scheduled for every week. On the other hand, if a Friend or committee has something they would like to present for a 2nd hour, this is a less busy time, and there are some open weeks.  Please let M&C know if you have something to present, so you can be on the schedule.

Other upcoming events:  July 13-19, some Friends will be gone to Missoula for NPYM Annual Session. On July 25, some Friends will be traveling to Quaker Cove to worship and share potluck with the FWCC Youth Pilgrimage.  Friends should check in with Alice if they are interested in attending.  August 1, we will have meeting for worship for picnic at Annelise’s house.

Scholarship assistance:  M&C has allocated $100 in scholarship funds for one of the Friends attending AS in Missoula.

Membership:  In May, Bellingham Friends Meeting received a letter from Salt Lake City Meeting asking for transfer of membership to our meeting for Allen Stockbridge. A visiting committee will meet with him this month.  Meanwhile, we ask for this transfer to season, and his membership will be celebrated when he next returns from his travels.

After Alice presented her M & C Report, there was a discussion about Clearness Committees; A Friend expressed the desire that every Quaker should be aware of Clearness Committees and Care Committees.

Children’s Committee – Tess Solenberger has been hired as a back-up childcare provider effective once her paperwork has been completed. The next Children’s Committee meeting will be on Wednesday, June 16th, at the home of Adrienne Solenberger (7:30 p.m.).

Nominating Committee – (Virginia Herrick)

  1. Updating job descriptions:I have received several more job descriptions with minor or no wording changes, and have sent out a few more. If you have NOT received a job description from me for your position or your committee’s job, please let me know.  Committee clerks and others, please review your job descriptions, make any changes, and either (if the changes are minor wording changes) return to me with a “date reviewed/revised” on it, or, if the changes are substantive, bring the new job description to M4W4B for approval.
  2. Meetinghouse Scout Nomination: Nominating Committee would like to bring forward Allen Stockbridge’s name as the nominee for Meetinghouse Scout position and ask Friends to accept it for seasoning. Allen brings us a wealth of experience, not only with his professional experience in real estate, but also as a seasoned Friend.
  3. Children’s Program Committee nomination changes:

A. Nominating Committee asks Friends to give final approval to our nomination of Jessica Bee as clerk of the Children’s Program Committee. Her name was brought forward and accepted for seasoning at a called M4W4B on May 9.  Jessica has been a member of Children’s Program Committee for several years, and was co-clerk of the Committee when Julie Batten recently resigned as clerk. Jessica has stepped up and is already performing the responsibilities of committee clerk.  We are grateful to have her knowledge, experience, and skill as a facilitator in this position.
B. We reluctantly withdraw our nomination (made at a called M4W4B last month) of Sharon Trent as committee co-clerk, however, as changes in her work schedule have led her to reconsider taking on this responsibility at this time.
C. Christina Crosetti, whose nomination was also brought forward at a called M4W4B last month, is not clear about moving forward to become a member of the committee, also because of work changes, and we ask Friends to extend the seasoning period on this nomination another month.
D. Nominating Committee is again seeking a Friend willing and able to be co-clerk of Children’s Program Committee and support Jessica in the work of overseeing this very busy committee.  Particularly, the co-clerk would help with recording committee minutes, making reports to M4W4B, etc. The committee currently is comprised of Jessica Bee, clerk; Adrienne Solenberger, Coordinator; Kelly Wyckoff; and Dave Hopkinson.

4. Directory changes: In the new directory, Nominating Committee asks Friends to make these changes to the committee portion of the directory:  Remove Sharon Trent’s and Sherri Kneeskern’s names from Children’s Program Committee.

Following is the Nominating Committee report to the Called M4W4B on May 9, 2010, given by Lorina Hall. The clerk for this called meeting was Alice Robb. The report was accepted as given.

Nominating Committee would like to nominate Jessica Bee as clerk of Children’s Program Committee, Sharon Trent as co-clerk of CPC, filling out Jessica’s current term (through spring 2011), and Christina Crosetti as a member of the committee, filling out Sherri Kneeskern’s term (through spring 2011).  We ask Friends to accept these nominations for seasoning.

Following is the Nominating Committee report to the Called M4W4B on May 23, 2010 given by Betty McMahon.

We are nominating Holly Folk to be our Sponsored Attender at the FGC Annual Gathering this summer in Bowling Green, Ohio.  Holly has never been to FGC, is prepared to register this coming week, attend the gathering, and report back to us about her experiences.  We are grateful to her for stepping forward to take this sponsorship on short notice after our first sponsored attender had to give up the trip for personal reasons.  Nominating Committee asks Friends to give final approval to this nomination as the registration deadline, June 1, is coming up rapidly, and Holly needs to document her expenses so she can receive reimbursement from the sponsorship.  The meeting approved.

Friends Earthcare (Doris Ferm) – After opening silence, Doris read a section on “Trees as Responsive,” by Brian J. Walsh, Marianne B. Karsh and Nik Ansell.

1.  Minutes of the April 27 meeting were approved.

2.  Dates for a joint potluck with Peace & Social Concerns Committee were suggested for August 10 or August 17.  Betty will check the Library to see whether they have “Earth Days” or “Lords of Nature” or “Irreplaceable Wildlife in a Warming World” for us to preview at our next meeting.  Doris and Judy will check the dates with Peace & Social Concerns Committee.

3.  ECO-SUGGESTION OF THE MONTH:  The “Dirty Dozen” of fruits and vegetables that should always be bought in organic form, because they otherwise contain more than 47 pesticides per serving:  apples, strawberries, peaches, cherries, nectarines, domestic blueberries, imported grapes, celery, potatoes, sweet bell peppers, spinach and lettuce.  The “Clean 15” contain little or no pesticides: onions, sweet corn, avocados, cabbage, eggplant, sweet peas, asparagus, sweet onions, sweet potatoes, mangos, pineapples, Kiwi fruit, watermelon, cantaloupe and grapefruit.

4. SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER:  Phone, write or email our congressional delegates to support the update to the Toxic Substances Control Act introduced in the Senate by Senator Frank Lautenberg and in the House by Representative Bobby Rush (?) (Democrat IL).  The original act has been named by the General Accounting Office as a “high risk” area in need of reform. The Act required testing on only 200 of 82,000 chemicals entering the market since 1976 and has restricted use of just five!  The new law would require safety testing of all industrial chemicals, with the industries proving they are safe.

5. Our Mission Statement and Job Description were revised by Betty following last month’s discussion and are being sent to Nominating Committee.

6.  A survey requested by Green America was completed and mailed. The Green America Festival in Seattle this coming weekend was considered, but with Meeting’s all-day retreat on Sunday, no one was able to go to the Festival.

Our next meeting will be July 6 at 7:00 pm at Doris’.

Quaker Earthcare Witness (Doris Ferm) – As your representative to Quaker Earthcare Witness, I present the following report from QEW’s spring Steering Committee meeting.  Ruah Swennerfelt, who has done such splendid work for QEW for so many years, will be retiring; so a new General Secretary is being sought.  QEW is considering holding only one meeting per year, in spring in the Chicago area, with an extra day added, but will delay this change until 2012.  QEW is working with the FWCC Global Change project in regional gatherings, hoping to involve youth.  They have endorsed the CLEAR Act, sponsored by Maria Cantwell.  A major concern is the economy and the use of money, both crucial in affecting care of the Earth.  As usual, QEW will host programs in the Earthcare Center at the FGC Gathering, with a focus on a walk-on map of the Maumee Watershed in northwest Ohio.  The annual Meeting and Gathering will be held Oct. 28-Nov. 2010 in Houston, Texas, with the theme: “Activist Tools for a Planet in Peril: The Case of Water.”  All are welcome.

Hospitality (Maddie Solenberger) – The current job description is adequate as is.  There is a desire for a new magazine rack, and old items will be omitted.  The amount of coffee preparation will be reduced over the summer, and the moving of heavy furniture will be reduced.  There is a revised sign up sheet; please sign up.  (Note:  some slots seek two people.)

Meetinghouse (Dorrie Jordan) – John Hatten and Dorrie Jordan met with Daniel Kirkpatrick on May 18th, 2010 to discuss the sublease agreement.  After some discussion, we agreed on wording requiring a three-month written notice from either Bellingham Friends Meeting or Explorations Academy to terminate the yearlong lease early.  Mimi Freshley (clerk of Bellingham Friends Meeting) and Daniel Kirkpatrick (director of Explorations Academy) signed the lease, which will be reviewed annually and extends from June 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011.

As you may have noticed, a new carpet was installed last weekend in the room we use for Meeting.  Please take extra care not to spill anything on the carpet and to clean up promptly if something is spilled.

There is a reminder that any concerns regarding the meeting site should be sent to Dorrie Jordan via email or phone, preferably early in the week so I can send them on to Daniel.

Finance – Finance Committee report on evaluation of Budget to actual situation:  For 2010 Meeting approved a budget with a bottom line of negative $5140, based on contribution pledges made of $11660 and projected expenses of $16840.  In recent years a deficit budget has been approved and Friends have still successfully met the requirements of balancing our income and expenses.  While we are confident way will open for this to occur again, Finance Committee wishes to report that as of May 31, we are 42% through the year (5/12’s) and we have received just 36% of pledged contributions.  We are bringing this to your attention to encourage Friends to consider when they can donate their pledged amounts, and to remind Friends that we need to receive contributions of more than the pledged sum to meet our budgeted expenses (and, indeed, we have already received unpledged donations this year of over $800).  Of course, while we have the reserves to pay our bills, we recommend that now is the time to be mindful to this pattern and bring our attention to what each of us can give to help.  If you have any questions about what you pledged or what has been received, please contact Don.

On a more positive note, on the expense side, the cost of paid childcare through May is well below the amount budgeted, although limited availability of our childcare providers may be part of the cause.  Committee clerks who would like year-to-date information concerning their expenses as compared with budget should request it from Don, who can generate this information at any time and not just when a full report has been created.


In connection with the Finance Committee report, otherwise being presented by Joanne Cowan:  The Finance Committee has discerned a need to change the signers on some of our financial accounts.  We would like the Meeting to authorize the removal of John Hatten and Daniel Kirkpatrick as signers on our Whatcom Educational Credit Union and Whidbey Island Bank accounts, and the addition of Joanne Cowan (now Clerk of the Finance Committee) and Sharon Trent (appointed Trustee of BFM in late 2008, specifically for this purpose).  Treasurer Don Goldstein will continue as a signer on all accounts.  We would like the current signers to continue without change in connection with our investment account at Scottrade, because (a) changing signers with Scottrade proved to be very complex the last time around and (b) we expect that there may be a major change in our investment policy in the near future.  The procedure we followed in 2008 for authorizing a change in signers was to call a special Meeting for Business (within the overall monthly Meeting for Business) so that the resolution statement presented to the financial institutions would cover only the matters of needful interest to them and not include the rest of our minutes.  We therefore request that such a special meeting be convened for the purpose of approving the following minute:

At a special session of Bellingham Friends Meeting called for this purpose on June 13, 2010, members of the meeting authorized the removal of former officers John Hatten and Daniel Kirkpatrick as signers on any and all financial accounts held in the name of Bellingham Friends Meeting at Whatcom Educational Credit Union and Whidbey Island Bank, and also authorized that, effective immediately, the signers on such financial accounts shall be Donald Goldstein (Treasurer of Bellingham Friends Meeting), Joanne Cowan (Chair of the Finance Committee of Bellingham Friends Meeting), and Sharon Trent (Trustee of Bellingham Friends Meeting).  As before, the signature of only one of these three signers shall be required to authorize any particular transaction on any of these financial accounts.  (The requested special meeting was held and the minute was approved.)

Copies of this minute, if approved, need to be signed on behalf of Bellingham Friends by our Recording Clerk, Betty McMahon, using for this purpose the title of “Secretary.”

Peace & Social Concerns (Doris Ferm) – The P & SC Committee would like to sponsor, with the Whatcom Peace and Justice Center, the speaker of Alternative to Violence Lillian Vega Ortiz. Lillian has worked with the Guatemalan Alternatives to Violence Project as a facilitator and Friend’s Peace Team’s Peace Building en Las America initiative in Central America.  She will be speaking on July 2, 2010, at 7 p.m. at the Whatcom Peace and Justice Center.  WE will need the Bellingham Friends to agree to co-sponsor this event.  P & SC decided we would contribute to support Lillian Ortiz’s work by making her the concern of the month for June.

P & SC is considering joining with Earthcare Committee to host a series of soup suppers to explore and discuss the effects of corporations on the environment, the economy and social justice.  These soup suppers might include a short, relevant video, discussion and some specific action that participants can take to address the concern.  The details of this idea will be ironed out at future meetings, but we would like to give Friends a “heads up” about this possibility.  Any comments Friends may have for P & SC or Earthcare Committee are welcomes.

The next meeting is scheduled for June 22m 2010, 7 p.m. at Joanne Cowan’s.

Member Concerns

1) Allen Stockbridge’s release from membership from Salt Lake Religious Society of Friends was shared, as was his request to set wheels in motion for transfer to Bellingham Friends Meeting membership.

2) Lorina Hall’s interest about Friends Journal will be inserted into Metamorphosis rather than discussed now.

3) There is a soup supper scheduled for Thursday, July 22, 6 p.m. at the home of Don Goldstein.  We will be gathering to hear about the recent travels of Mimi Freshley and Bob Butterfield as well as Annelise Pysanky.

4) Whatcom Peace & Justice Center has requested that Bellingham Friends Meeting co-sponsor an event scheduled for September 30, 2010.  The speaker will be Captain Paul K. Chapell who will address noninvolvement in the R.O.T.C.  Our meeting approved.

5) A Member concern presented by Don Goldstein:

As a follow-up to an idea presented verbally during the meeting retreat on June 6th, Don proposed that an ad hoc committee of up to four BFM members and/or attenders be established with a maximum life of eight months for the purpose of researching, developing, and proposing the constitution and initial job description of a standing Outreach Committee for BFM.  We would not be committing ourselves to establish such a standing committee by approving this proposal, but only setting in motion a process that may or may not lead to such establishment once a concrete proposal is received.  The ad hoc committee would not authorized to do outreach on our behalf, but rather to suggest some specific forms of outreach (enhancing our visibility in the Bellingham/Whatcom County community) that the new standing committee, if created, would be authorized and encouraged to perform.  Some forms of within-meeting inreach (community-building and adult education: enhancing our connections and knowledge of one another, of Quakerism, and of the wider Quaker world) might also be included in the proposed charge of the new standing committee if the ad hoc committee so agrees.  Like other ad hoc committees, it is suggested that this one be populated by Friends who volunteer for it, without formal nominations, and that it name its own clerk.  Since the possible establishment of an Outreach Committee has already received some discussion within the Nominating Committee, Don suggested that this ad hoc committee should include at least one member of the Nominating Committee who is familiar with the prior discussion.

Following discussion with Virginia Herrick, it is also suggested that the ad hoc committee be directed to report on its work to the Ministry & Counsel Committee and invite that committee’s input prior to making any recommendations to BFM as a whole.  More generally, Don expressed flexibility with regard to all the details of the proposal and that his priority was mainly to get something concrete into Metamorphosis for discussion and seasoning.   With the understanding that this proposal would be up for seasoning at the Second Hour retreat follow-up on June 27th, along with other ideas put forward during the retreat, Don withdrew his request that the proposal now be formally accepted for seasoning.

Our Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business closed at 1:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Betty McMahon, recording clerk.


Lopez Island Preparative Meeting is under the care of Bellingham Friends Meeting.  In order to help Bellingham Friends get to know more about these Friends, a copy of the LIPM Minutes from their Meeting for Worship for Business on May 16th is available for your perusal on the Friends literature table.  Here is an item extracted from those minutes:


Radio Committee (Ron Metcalf, Anne Karp, John Helding, Lorna Reese) Ron reported that the committee “met” by email and proposes we continue to sponsor the Spirit in Action, Lopez Edition program.  We did three local shows in the past year and hope to produce more local shows this year.  The committee asks the Gifts & Talents Committee to suggest people to serve on the committee.  Lorna doesn’t want to continue but Ron and Anne will. Ron noted he thinks we are current on our $10 a month commitment to KLOI.

During discussion that followed, the question arose as whether or not we might want to broaden the scope of this committee to include additional community outreach.  There seemed to be clarity on continuing the work of this committee but not on broadening its scope.  Jerry suggested we send this issue to the Gifts & Talents Committee, which will talk with people in the meeting and members of the Radio Committee and bring its recommendations back to the full meeting.  We were in unity on this.


–From BFM Members of Lopez Oversight Committee: Susan Richardson, Don Goldstein, and Sharon Trent

We may see ourselves crippled and halting, and from a strong bias to things pleasant and easy find an impossibility to advance forward; but things impossible with men are possible with God; and our wills being made subject to his, all temptations are surmountable.

This work of subjecting the will is compared to the mineral in the furnace, which, through fervent heat, is reduced from its first principle:   he refines them as silver is refined…to prepare our hearts truly to adore him, and manifest that adoration by inwardly turning away from that spirit, in all its workings, which is not of him.

A letter from the Journal of John Woolman

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