Clerks, Representatives & Committees

Bellingham Friends Clerks 2010-2011

(Terms end in May of year shown.)

Clerk Mimi Freshley 2011
co-Clerk Susan Richardson 2011
Recording Clerk Betty McMahon 2011
Treasurer Don Goldstein 2012

Non-Committee Positions and Representatives to other organizations:
Interfaith Coalition Sharon Trent 2011
Librarian Margi Fulton 2012
Archivist unfilled 2012
Meetinghouse liaison Dorrie Jordan 2012
Meetinghouse Scout unfilled 2012
NPYM Coord. Comm. Alice Robb October 2010
PNQM Con. Comm. Lorina Hall 2011
FCWPP rep. Tom Hall 2012
QEW rep. Doris Ferm 2012
FCNL rep. Rob Stoops 2012
FGC rep. Don Goldstein 2012
Western Friend Lorina Hall 2011
AFSC rep. Allan Richardson 2012
Native American Rep. Allan Richardson 2011


Ministry and Counsel Committee

Alice Robb, clerk 2012
Dorrie Jordan 2011
Mimi Freshley 2011
Howard Harris 2011
Susan Richardson 2011

Finance Committee
Joanne Cowan, Clerk 2012
Susan Richardson 2011
Don Goldstein, Treasurer 2012

Nominating Committee
Virginia Herrick, clerk Dec. 2010
Lorina Hall Dec. 2010
Sharon Trent Dec. 2011
One position unfilled Dec. 2011

Hospitality Committee
Maddie Solenberger, clerk 2012
Kitchen responsiblities:
Rob Dillard 2012
Dave Hopkinson 2011
Kelly Wycoff 2011
Tom Solenberger 2012
Tess Solenberger 2012

Hospitality Committee, continued
Key responsibilities:
Maddie Solenberger 2012
Dave & Judy Hopkinson 2011
Don Goldstein 2011
Alice Robb 2011

Children’s Program Committee
Jessica Bee, Clerk 2011
Sharon Trent, co-clerk 2012
Adrienne Solenberger, Coord. 2012
Kelly Wyckoff 2011
Dave Hopkinson 2011
Sheri Kneeskern 2011

Peace and Social Concerns Committee
Jeanine Hart Horner, Clerk 2011
Judy Hopkinson 2012
Doris Ferm 2012
Joanne Cowan 2012

Earthcare Committee
Doris Ferm, Clerk 2011
Judy Hopkinson 2011
John Horner 2011
Jonaki Kilgore 2012
Betty McMahon 2012

Communications Committee
Dave Hopkinson, Clerk, webkeeper 2011*
Sharon Trent, Newsletter 2011
Alice Robb, Directory 2012
Betty McMahon, phone messages 2011 (one-year trial)

Lopez Worship Group Oversight Committee
Susan Richardson, clerk 2011
Don Goldstein 2011
Sharon Trent 2012

Meeting for Worship for Business is generally held on 2nd Sundays after Worship.

Potlucks are generally scheduled for 1st Sundays following Worship.

QUESTIONS? Who to call:
If you have a question regarding site issues, call the Meetinghouse Liaison.
If you have a question regarding a Committee, call the Clerk of the Committee.
If you have a question regarding Meeting for Worship for Business, call the Co-Clerks of the Meeting.