July 2010
Meeting for Worship Sundays at 10 AM at Explorations Academy, 1701 Ellis Street, Bellingham
Phone 360-734-0244 Mailing Address P.O. Box 30144 Bellingham, 98228-2144 Website
Co-Clerks: Mimi Freshley, (933-4566) and Susan Richardson (733-5477), Ministry and Counsel Members: Mimi Freshley, Alice Robb (366-6005), Dorrie Jordan and Howard Harris (733-9071), Childrens Program Clerk, Jessica Bee (393-4249)
Metamorphosis Editor: Sharon Trent (714-6141)
Query for July
Children and young people need love and stability. Are we doing all we can to uphold and sustain parents and others who carry the responsibility for providing this care?
from Advices and Queries, Britain YM p 11 #24
August 1 – Worship and Potluck at the home of Annelise Pysanky
(4320 Samish Way, 223-8438)
August 8 – Meeting for Worship for Business
Tuesday, August 10 – Spirit Group discusses Spirit Rising at the home of
Sharon Trent (714-6141)
August 15 – Discussion about Outreach
Tuesday, August 17 – Book Group discusses The Madonnas of Leningrad
at the home of Joan Ofteness (671-0699)
Eco-Suggestion of the Month
The Dark Side of Sunscreens. Their SPF ratings are unreliable – only 8% actually perform as labeled, and many do not block UVA radiation – the most damaging kind. They reduce the body’s production of vitamin D. They may contain one or more of the following dangerous ingredients:
• Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate) – increases risk of skin cancer in the presence of sunlight.
• Oxybenzone – a hormone disruptor, used alone cannot be considered a reliable strategy for reducing the risk of skin cancer.
• They may reduce the risk for squamous cell carcinoma (a slow growing, treatable cancer)
• They may increase the risk for melanoma (a highly dangerous form of skin cancer).
• Experts agree that sunscreens reduce sunburn, but should be selected with caution to avoid potential toxins, and physical protection – clothing and hats – should be used to reduce the risk of skin cancer even after applying sunscreen.
The Bright Side: The FDA should finally issue regulations for sunscreens next October. Meanwhile EWG has a list of 39 greener and safer sunscreens you can use to prevent sunburn on its website:\2010sunscreen
Adapted from the Environmental Working Group report: after confirmation of data in primary sources.
Speak Truth to Power
Please ask Congressman Rick Larsen to support H.R. 4434, the End Political Kickbacks Act of 2009. Tell him we want to restore integrity to government. H.R. 4434 would amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to extend the ban on government contractors making contributions to recipients of federal funds, and to limit the amount of contributions that employees of such recipients may make.
Draft Minutes for Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business – July 11, 2010
Clerk: Mimi Freshley
Recording Clerk: Betty McMahon
Present: Howard Harris, Lorina Hall, Tom Hall, Tom Zylstra, Adrienne Solenberger; Virginia Herrick, Doris Ferm, Dorrie Jordan, Sharon Trent & Susan Richardson
Our Meeting for Business began with opening silence at 11:35 a.m.
Our History – Howard Harris shared a book with a very long title, a.k.a. Barclay’s Apology (printed in 1902).
After George Fox’s presence in 1652, Oliver Cromwell became the Lord Protector in England. In 1660, Charles the Second arrived on the scene, and the monarch was re-established. The Anglican Church was not happy with Quakers. Robert Barckay, a Scotsman, wrote a letter to Charles the Second justifying Quakers and what they believed. His letter contained 15 propositions, all based on the Bible yet all in support of Quakers. That The Spirit is more important than the Bible is the theme that is presented throughout Barclay’s Apology.
Approval of Minutes – The minutes were approved after the following corrections were made: M&C’s report said we were bringing Allen Stockbridge’s request for transfer forward as approved by M&C and ready to season, however that was premature and incorrect. We wanted to acknowledge receiving his request and to say we would be meeting with him in the coming month.
Also, the History section was corrected to read that William Penn’s statue is 37 feet tall versus inches.
Agenda – With the addition of a report regarding FCNL, the agenda was approved.
Committee Reports
Ministry & Counsel (Dorrie Jordan)
We met with Judy Meyer and recommend that her transfer be accepted and seasoned until August.
We met with Allen Stockbridge and recommend that his transfer be accepted and seasoned until August.
We will be planning celebrations for the memberships of Judy and Allen as befits their traveling and island schedules. We received a letter asking for membership from Tom Zylstra. Because of Tom’s long involvement with Meeting, and because he lives so far away and is here for a brief time, M&C would like to recommend that we process this request in an expedient manner, and at the least that we welcome and celebrate Tom’s membership while he is still in the country even if the official seasoning and acceptance of the membership is not final until later.
The Ad Hoc Retreat committee has been laid down, having finished its work. We minute our thanks to Virginia Herrick, Susan Richardson, Joanne Cowan and Mimi Freshly for taking on this responsibility. This item is now the responsibility of M & C.
We wish to circulate the summary of Second Hours, and it is attached to this report. We are prepared to schedule another hour to talk about the outreach component of the discussion, which began at the retreat. We think that choosing a second hour timeslot will be more time efficient rather than having worship sharing at either the picnic or campout due to logistics of childcare. Also, it seems not in the best interests of building community to interrupt community activities in order to have structured discussions of community building.
This could be the 3rd or 4th Sunday in August. We are open to having this schedule determined at the July business meeting. Time decided upon at Business Meeting: August 15 was suggested and approved.
SPICES Program
After the demonstration of this program on June 21, we sensed a strong interest in scheduling more sessions. We will let John Helding know we are interested. It is our understanding that he and Judy can lead some, but also others from here can lead some sessions. Howard’s Second Hours may be able to fit well into the SPICES program.
Scheduling: If we have a SPICES session monthly, the series would take six months and could run from September until March (with none in December). There are some logistical questions around changing the schedule, as the format for SPICES as it has been done in the past is to begin at the end of the first half-hour of worship (10:30) and continue for 1½ hours. During the time that John led. we had no break between meeting and the SPICES workshop. and it seemed to work well. This would be experimental for us and would involve decisions regarding how to structure the children’s program scheduling. M & C will discuss this again in September with input from any other Friends with interest, concerns, etc.
Women’s Gathering
Ministry and Counsel has begun talking about having a women’s gathering (maybe just a dinner or up to a day-long “retreat”) of women in our meeting to further our knowing and understanding of one another, where we are in the cycle of our lives, and how we can be more helpful toward one another across generational lines. Ideas about when, where, and how to do this are welcome. Contact person: Alice Robb.
Quaker Pilgrimage
Members from BFM have been invited to Meeting for Worship at Quaker Cove near Anacortes at 10:30 am, Sunday July 25. A few people have plans to carpool down there and will be meeting up about 9 am, probably at Explorations. Persons planning to go are Susan Richardson, Don Goldstein, and Allen Stockbridge. Participants are asked to bring generous potluck contributions. Person who will coordinate this is: Mimi Freshly volunteered.
Member Concerns
M & C deals with concerns about the well being of our members on a continual basis, with respect to the privacy/confidentiality of those concerned.
Some needs of Friends are more obvious and pragmatic, and we will inform Friends as much as we can. For example:
Margie White is now recovering from her broken hip and has moved to her daughter Audrey’s home. Audrey has communicated with Alice throughout this time and sent the following message on Thursday, July 8.
Margie will see her surgeon on Monday, and we will fit in a few PT sessions before she heads north. She is doing very well with the walker, but it will be a bit before she can switch to a cane. If all goes well, she will fly to Seattle on July 21st, then Aaron will drive her home to Bellingham. Thank you for all the cards – they brightened Mom’s days in the rehab.
Margie’s return will give us opportunities as a community to provide her with practical supports (visits and transportation) after she arrives home. Alice will be home from Montana shortly before Margie’s return and is willing to serve as a contact for facilitating assistance for Margie. Send Alice an email if you would like to volunteer some personal assistance to Margie such as shopping, transportation, etc. We will not be sure how much assistance will be needed until she gets home.
Children’s Program (Adrienne Solenberger)
Children’s Program is working on getting their sign up sheet circulated more effectively. Friends can sign up on Sundays. Information will be transferred to the website, and open slots will be noted.
Peace Dove: Children’s Program is ready to let this go. Children will still celebrate and share stories, journal, and make collages and video clips.
The curriculum this summer is open. Several families are visiting away from Bellingham, and therefore, with attendance uncertain, the children will spend Sundays visiting and participating in intergenerational activities and games. The committee will gather at the end of summer to create their curriculum for the fall and through next spring.
Sharon Trent in so longer co-clerk. Kelly Wycoff is taking a temporary break from the Children’s Committee. Another member of the committee is welcome.
Jessica Bee and Adrienne Solenberger are now the coordinators of the Children’s Program. Please send any communication that affects this program to both of them.
Our kids are thriving, as usual, in spite of the break in their normal routines.
The next committee meeting is Wednesday, July 21, 2010, at Adrienne’s. (Meetings are always on the third Wednesday of each month at Adrienne Solenberger’s. All are welcome, and please call, 676-7345, for the specific time.)
Nominating Committee (Virginia Herrick)
1. REMINDER: If you have not reviewed the job description for your role or (if you’re a committee clerk) your committee’s role, please do so! Even if there’s no change, please let me know so we have a record that it was reviewed this year. Let me know if you do not have a copy of your job description and I will send it to you.
2. ACTION: Dave Hopkinson, clerk of Communications Committee, has asked Nominating Committee to present the Communications Committee’s new job description. Please consider and accept for seasoning. The job description does not identify particular committee members’ names with specific tasks. This is intentional, as different members may want to pick up different roles. If concerned about whom to contact when an issue arises, please see the directory under this committee. The Meeting accepts this job description for seasoning. (See below)
3. ACTION: Asking Friends’ input about posting job descriptions online: John Hatten asked Nominating Committee if we saw any reason not to post them in the public area of the website, and we could not think of any. The newest ones are already posted (pending any contrary direction from business meeting).
Proposal: As updated job descriptions come in, I will, as clerk of Nominating Committee, file them and pass along to John to post online. Asking Friends’ approval. Meeting approves.
4. The Meeting approves Allen Stockbridge as meetinghouse scout.
5. There are two openings that need to be filled in Children’s Committee.
Bellingham Friends Meeting Communications Committee Job Description
Purpose: To facilitate communications and information exchange within the Meeting and within the community-at-large, and to facilitate outreach for the Meeting.
• Create a monthly newsletter (Metamorphosis). This includes a calendar of upcoming events, business meeting minutes and information from the current signup sheet for meeting tasks.
• Produce a Meeting directory, with updates as needed (at least annually).
• Maintain a database of phone numbers, postal and email addresses and other information concerning members, attenders and others interested in the Meeting. This database is used to generate lists for newsletter distribution (by email and post) and an email list used to send out general communications concerning the Meeting and to publish a Meeting directory.
• Check voice mail at least weekly.
• Check the post office box weekly and distribute mail appropriately.
• Facilitate outreach within the local community and beyond.
• Maintain a Meeting website.
• Publicize Meeting events in local newspapers, radio and other media, as requested, including special events and second hours.
• Maintain an updated list of media contacts.
• Submit an annual budget and request supplemental funds as necessary to further the communications needs of the Meeting.
The Committee meets as led, at least twice annually. The Committee consists of three or more members who communicate mostly one on one, by email or phone, primarily to ensure that the above responsibilities are met. Individuals who help with the above responsibilities are under the care and oversight of the Communications Committee, but are not required to attend all meetings of the Committee.
Revised and updated 6-22-10; final edit by Communications Committee Clerk
Friends Earthcare (Doris Ferm)
Present: Judy Hopkinson and Doris Ferm.
1. After a period of centering silence, Doris read a selection on enjoying nature by feeling kinship with what you see, hear and feel, from Listening to Nature.
2. Betty McMahon stopped in to bring us the film on DVD “Earth Days”. Because of its length 105 minutes, we did not watch it nor consider it for later use.
A Peace & Social concern has several possible videos to use for our co-sponsored soup supper, to be held probably in September.
3. Judy volunteered to condense an article on sunscreens for the Eco-Suggestion of the Month.
4. We discussed possible places for a late summer outing and tentatively planned a mushroom walk in Arroyo Park preceded by a picnic at Fairhaven Park.
5. Our next meeting date is Aug. 3 at Doris’, 7:00 pm.
6. We closed with worship and farewell hugs.
Eco-Suggestion of the Month: The Dark Side of Sunscreens
Their SPF ratings are unreliable – only 8% actually perform as labeled, and many do not block UVA radiation – the most damaging kind. They reduce the body’s production of vitamin D. They may contain one or more of the following dangerous ingredients:
• Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate) – increases risk of skin cancer in the presence of sunlight.
• Oxybenzone – a hormone disruptor, used alone cannot be considered a reliable strategy for reducing the risk of skin cancer.
• They may reduce the risk for squamous cell carcinoma (a slow growing, treatable cancer)
• They may increase the risk for melanoma (a highly dangerous form of skin cancer).
• Experts agree that sunscreens reduce sunburn, but should be selected with caution to avoid potential toxins, and physical protection – clothing and hats – should be used to reduce the risk of skin cancer even after applying sunscreen.
The Bright Side: The FDA should finally issue regulations for sunscreens next October. Meanwhile EWG has a list of 39 greener and safer sunscreens you can use to prevent sunburn on its website:\2010sunscreen
Adapted from the Environmental Working Group report: after confirmation of data in primary sources.
Peace & Social Concerns
Speak Truth to Power: Please ask Congressman Rick Larsen to support H.R. 4434, the End Political Kickbacks Act of 2009. Tell him we want to restore integrity to government. H.R. 4434 would amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to extend the ban on government contractors making contributions to recipients of federal funds, and to limit the amount of contributions that employees of such recipients may make.
Peace & Social Concerns Committee will meet next July 22 at Joanne’s.
FCNL (Lorina Hall)
In an email from Bob Schultz ( A senior FCNL staffer has asked me (see note below) how WA Friends would feel about Senator Cantwell receiving the Ed Snyder Peace Award at November’s annual meeting of FCNL. My own take on this is fairly positive, based on some modest work I’ve done with FCNL/Cantwell staffers on Climate/energy and foreign affairs legislation. (Also, in one recent year, she voted with FCNL 100% on a set of key votes.) Other Friends may have differing impressions.
In a note from a senior FCNL stiffer: We’re thinking about the ED Snyder award, to be given at annual meeting, and Maria Cantwell’s name has come up because of her dedication and common sense on the CLEAR Act. She was also a very active advocate for low and moderate-income people in the health care debate (Senate Finance Committee). It was reported that Cantwell voted the wrong way for the Graham Amendment on military commissions in the fall, but then reconsidered her position (with lobbying from us, our coalition partners, and Tom Ewell) and announced that she was withdrawing her support when the same subject came up as a bill in the spring. She has voted for military supplementals (hasn’t everyone?) and opposed cutting the F-22, but she was good on some votes on getting troops out of Iraq. She’s also good on domestic issues—both civil liberties (privacy) and domestic programs. We rarely find anyone these days who is a congressional leader AND votes with us 100% of the time. She is a very effective senator, doing excellent work in some areas that are important to us, and sort of “not too bad” in other areas.
Friends, please send your responses directly to Bob Schultz.
Member Concerns
Our archives are in need of being attended to, and hopefully, Friends somewhere are interested and would enjoy taking on this mission.
One Friend expressed her desire to see our Meeting possibly purchase some property that would one-day become the location of our own Meetinghouse.
Perhaps a combined July/August Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business will occur next summer, 2011.
Clerk’s Concern
Our clerk, Mimi Freshley, asked how we felt about skipping the business meeting during the month of August.
We will be having Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business on August 8, 2010.
Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
Submitted by Recording Clerk, Betty McMahon
Treasurer’s Report
Account balances at end of Second Quarter, 2010:
WECU – TOTAL 15,921.97
General Checking 1,696.44
General Savings 1,433.81
Meeting House Fund Savings 2,471.39
Scholarship/FGC Gathering Fund 1,658.58 (FGC=1237.83)
Meeting House Fund CD, matures in October 2012 8,661.75
Whidbey Island Bank – TOTAL 11,133.27
24-month CD, matures July 2010 3,764.30
24-month CD, matures September 2010 3,763.86
24-month CD, matures April 2011 3,605.11
Scottrade – TOTAL 34,887.49
Ariel Fund 10,115.13
Calvert Social Investment Bond Fund 11,945.05
Parnassus Equity Income Fund 12,827.31
GRAND TOTAL 61,942.73
6/30/10 3/31/10 Gain(loss) for Quarter
Operating funds 3,130.25 4,512.79 (1,382.54)
FGC Gathering funds 1,658.58 2,230.47 (571.89)
Meeting House funds 57,153.90 59,753.01 (2,599.11)
1. The loss in operating funds was caused by a shortfall in receipt of pledged donations, plus the payment of Western Friend subscription funds for 2010 that were received in 2009, on top of a budgeted deficit for this year. They would have been greater had donations out been paid to the extent of 50% of the 2010 budgeted amount by the end of the second quarter.
2. Loss in scholarship/sponsorship funds was caused by the expenditure of $1000 from the FGC Gathering Fund to sponsor Holly Folk this year. Additional contributions to that fund have been made by Annelise this year.
3. Loss in Meeting House funds was caused by declines in the values of our market investments in the Ariel and Parnassus mutual funds. Interest received on our WECU CD and the Whidbey Island Bank CDs helped to reduce the net loss.