Note: This page is mostly up to date. Most current job descriptions have links. A Naming Committee is made up of members chosen from and by Worship and Ministry and Pastoral Care Committees. The Naming Committee nominates members of the Nominating Committee and those nominations are presented to our monthly Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business for discernment and possible approval. Other committees, positions, representatives and liaisons are nominated by Nominating Committee and presented to our monthly Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business for discernment and possible approval. The sign-up for Meeting responsibilities are available to anyone who wishes to sign-up with the exception of the Key Holders as keys need to be assigned. This page updated March 2021.
Please read the “Guidelines for Communication within Committees and Between Committees and our Monthly Meeting” HERE.
- Finance Committee
- Pastoral Care Committee (rev. 8/2019)
- Ministry and Counsel (rev. 10/2017)
- Outreach and Welcoming (rev. 6/2016) (became Outreach and Welcoming Coordinator 6/2019)
- Nominating Committee
- Social and Environmental Concerns Committee (rev. 10/2017)
- Childrens Committee
- Clerk/Co-Clerk (rev. 11/2015)
- Directory Editor (rev. 10/2017)
- Key holder (rev. 10/2017)
- Hospitality Coordinator (rev. 4/2020)
- Librarian (rev. 10/2017)
- Newsletter Editor
- Outreach and Welcoming Coordinator (app. 6/2019)
- Sponsored FGC Gathering Attender
- Treasurer (rev. 6/2020)
- Assistant Treasurer (app. 3/2018)
- Website manager
- Friends General Conference
- Friends Committee on National Legislation
- Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy
- Interfaith Coalition Representative (rev. 4/2020)
- Meetinghouse Liaison
- Meetinghouse Scout
- Native American Liaison
- Quaker Earthcare Witness
Weekly sign-up responsibilities
- Key Holder/Setup
- Setup Helper
- Greeter (rev. 1/2018)
- Snack
- Kitchen setup
- Kitchen setup helper
- Children’s teacher
- Care of Meeting – when meeting in person (rev. 12/2017)
- Care of Meeting – for meeting on Zoom (rev. 11/2020)
- Kitchen cleanup
- Kitchen cleanup help