We are a diverse group of spiritual seekers working for peace and justice within ourselves and in the world. All are invited to join us in worship. We welcome visitors. As of March 27, 2022 we gather for in-person silent worship at The Majestic, 1027 N Forest Street in downtown Bellingham, starting at 10:00 AM, but please arrive early to get settled into the silence. N-95 or KN-95 masks are available if desired. We also meet through Zoom in a hybrid manner so as many people as possible can participate On the first Sunday of each month, we have a separate in-person meeting and a Zoom meeting. (See Zoom NOTICE and How To’s below). Please see the e-News for more information. Childcare provided – due to lower attendance during the COVID 19 pandemic, please contact Children’s Program Committee before bringing young children.
There will be regular worship at the Majestic and Zoom worship starting before 10:00 A.M.
We respectfully acknowledge that this Meeting gathers in the traditional, sovereign territory of Indigenous Coast Salish peoples including the Lummi and Nooksack who have cared for these lands and waters since time immemorial and continue to do so today. Their presence is imbued in these mountains, valleys, waterways, and shorelines. May we honor the original stewards of this place and participate in the care and protection of our shared home.
Due to COVID-19, Bellingham Friends Meeting started meeting for online worship each Sunday. We now meet both using Zoom and in person (see above). If you would like to join us online, the link to connect to Meeting is https:f//us02web.zoom.us/j/81857084898 and the password is “quaker” (without the quotes, lower case “Quaker”). Meeting for worship is Sunday 10 to 11, but you may join as early as you wish. If using a phone, there is no password; call 253-215-8782, enter the Meeting ID, 818 5708 4898 and press #. Then press # again. To un-mute press *6, and to mute again press *6. See e-News for more details on Zoom and just about everything else as well. If you are new to Zoom, see “How To’s” below. To add this Zoom information to your online calendars, click this link. If you have questions or problems with Zoom, please contact John by email: support@bellinghamfriends.org or text or call 360-671-7012.
COVID Safety for Indoor Worship at the Majestic
Friends are continuing to meet for worship both on Zoom AND in person at the Majestic, 1027 N. Forest Street in Bellingham. For Friends meeting in person, there are COVID protocols the Meeting adopted to keep us all as safe as possible, listed below, while not excluding anyone. The Zoom meeting number is 818 5708 4898, password quaker.
1. Friends are asked to not attend in-person worship if feeling ill, or if living with someone who is ill. If not attending in person, everyone is encouraged to join us on Zoom. See login information on this page.
2. Masks are no longer required for in-person attendance. We have masks that will be provided at the door for anyone who wishes one.
3. Vaccination is strongly encouraged as well as the most recent boosters.
4. Seating options. There are two choices: the largest, central area will be for Friends comfortable sitting in closer proximity. The alcoves on either side are available for those wishing to maintain extra distance from others. Friends seated in the alcoves will need to enter the central area where the OWL is set up in order to offer vocal ministry so that Friends on Zoom can hear it. The alcoves have lower ceilings, but also are spacious and have windows that can be opened. There is no physical barrier between any of the areas.
Parking: At the Majestic, there are a few spaces behind the building for parking, and on-street parking on East Maple Street and in some places along Forest. We have an arrangement with the office across Maple to use their parking lot on Sunday mornings. There is a ramp to the front (Forest Street) entrance, and an ADA accessible restroom adjacent to the worship area.
New to Quakers? Click here for more information about our Meeting. Meeting for worship: Sunday 10:00 a.m. Worship begins when the first person sits and begins worship. Please enter quietly and settle into the silence. Meeting lasts for about an hour followed by introductions, announcements and social time. There is usually a second hour program (see our e-News for details). We meet at The Majestic, 1027 N Forest Street in downtown Bellingham. (Directions) Map here.
2019 Corona Virus (COVID-19) Outbreak Notice: Bellingham Friends Meeting is concerned about everyone’s health and safety. We encourage everyone to keep up to date with accurate information. Here are local government health guidelines.
Weather is not usually a concern, but on those rare occasions where you may wonder about whether Meeting is cancelled due to safe conditions at or travel to or from Meeting, see our Weather Policy here.
See the Links tab for more information on Quakers and the newest version of Faith and Practice from North Pacific Yearly Meeting.
How-to’s for Zoom Use for Newcomers
We are holding hybrid worship at the Majestic, which means some Friends attend in person, and others on Zoom.
How to use Zoom
On your device with internet access (computer, cell phone, tablet, etc.) To download the software and connect: 1) Download the free Zoom app from zoom.com and create your account by clicking on “Sign up, it’s free.” 2) Go to zoom.us/join and enter the meeting ID number: 818 5708 4898, password quaker.
Each person on the Zoom call is represented by a small screen. If you have a webcam and turn on “video,” other Friends will be able to see you. If not, your screen will just have your name (or a still photo if you added one in your Zoom account), but you’ll still see others, and any shared images. It is courteous to keep yourself “muted” unless you wish to speak, especially in groups of more than three or four people. To “mute” and “unmute” your mic, click on the microphone icon. (In this image, Friends whose mics are muted have a little red mic icon with a line through it in the lower left corner of their screen. Clockwise from top left are Helen, Virginia, John, Wendy, Laurie, and Jean. Thanks for being our Zoom models, Friends!)
In worship, you do not need to raise your hand to begin speaking when you are led by Spirit. Rarely, two Friends may begin speaking at the same moment, in which case, one will need to wait. We leave a period of silence between messages so that each one can be prayerfully heard.
In discussion or other facilitated meetings, if you have a webcam on, you can just raise your hand to be recognized. If you do not, from your device you should be able to click on a “raise hand” button under the “reactions” tab.
Or, from a regular phone, dial 253-215-8782, a Tacoma number. (Some might incur a long-distance charge.) After calling in, you’ll need to enter the meeting ID, 818 5708 4898 and #. If asked for a participant ID, press # again. When you first join, we will likely be in silent worship or just settling in. Settle into the silence and know we are gathered in spirit. If you have trouble phoning in, consider calling a Friend and sitting in worship with them by phone.
Those whose devices have visual capability will see a box with your phone number (not your name). In worship you can dial *6 to toggle between mute and unmute if you have a spiritual leading to speak. You may want to start by introducing yourself and asking, “Can you hear me OK?” In discussion, you can dial *9 to raise your hand virtually to be recognized. (A little raised hand will appear in the box with your phone number.) When called on, press *6 to unmute. Or, unmute and then say “Excuse me,” or “Clerk, please,” to be recognized.
Questions or problems? Please contact John Hatten by email: quaker (at) kulshan (dot) net or call or text 360-671-7012.
Bellingham Friends Meeting Contacts: Voicemail: 360-756-3579 Questions? E-mail:Mailing address: PO Box 30144, Bellingham, WA 98228-2144
Primary contacts: Virginia Herrick, Clerk, and Mimi Freshley, Associate Clerk
Comments about the website can be made
Upcoming events: The best place to keep up to date with current events is with the e-News here.
Submitted on behalf of: Bellingham Friends Meeting
- Priority A: Work on campaign finance reform, term limits for Congress and Judges, gerrymandering, voter suppression and dis-enfranchisement, fair voting laws; reverse Citizens United, establish ethics and accountability for supreme court justices
- Priority B: Pursue peace initiatives through cutting military spending and diverting funds to civics and history education, child care, ending poverty, and economic opportunity for citizens and guests
- Priority C: Reverse negative impacts from climate change by addressing climate justice inequities, providing incentives for transition to renewable energy while addressing consequences of being more green, including impacts of EV Batteries
- Priority D: Provide access for healthcare to all citizens and guests while protecting Doctor-Patient confidentiality for women’s health care; treat the fentanyl crisis and drug addiction as medical not criminal problem.
- Priority E: Restore a pathway to individual self-sufficiency through trade and other educational programs; provide child care, student loan relief, short-term and stable housing; relieve hopelessness through creating opportunities for small businesses
Links to recordings of recent notable events follow:
Webinar and live stream May 6, 2022, 7 PM on Zoom. Finding Justice for Historical Injustice with Taylor Stewart of the Oregon Remembrance Project.
This was a photo presentation that shows how the harmful legacy of historical white supremacy continues today. Communities everywhere can be inspired and motivated by hearing about the Oregon Remembrance Project’s work to help communities remember, repair, and redeem the brutal stories of the past. By facing our region’s racist history, we lay a foundation for the future we seek, for inclusive and just communities that celebrate diversity. (WARNING: This presentation includes disturbing historical photographs of lynchings and other violence.) Sponsored by the Whatcom Human Rights Task Force, Bellingham Friends Meeting, and North Pacific Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Webinar is available at the Bellingham Friends YouTube Channel: (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxC4WUGOZ413egjKCS6sfkg).Virologist Fred Koster presentation on COVID-19 & in-person worship.
Click HERE for the audio only. Click HERE for video.
With Panelists Jonathan Randolph - Entrepreneur and Professional Singer, Shirley Williams - Member and resident of Lummi Nation, Flo Simon - Deputy Police Chief, Bellingham Police Department, Rosalinda Guillén - Community to Community, Satpal Sidhu - Whatcom County Executive. A huge thank you to these panelists for participating and to the several hundred people who attended.
The forum was recorded and a link to that recording is available here. Note: Closed captions are now operational. If you find errors, please let us know. If you attended the forum, please offer your feedback, share your concerns, ideas and enthusiasm for action moving our community and our society forward toward racial justice and peace with a very brief survey here. If you missed the forum, you may use the survey to make comments or add your name to receive information about future events.
Of possible interest to local F(f)riends:
North Carolina Friends speak about the notorious "bathroom bill" here.